IEEE Fellows

Recognizing the achievements of its members is an important part of the mission of IEEE. Each year, following a rigorous evaluation procedure, the IEEE Board of Directors confers a selected group of members for elevation to IEEE Fellow. The IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership in the IEEE. Less than 0.1% of voting members are selected annually for this member grade elevation. It is recognized by the technical community as a prestigious honour and an important career achievement.

These links provide more information about the steps to become a Fellow and how you can participate in the Fellow election process. MTT-S also has a Fellow Search Committee who can help candidates to make good nominations. More information can be found here.


Evaluated by MTT-S
Julio Costa for contributions to the development of RF silicon-on-insulator technologies and circuits for mobile applications
Larry Dunleavy for contributions to commercial development of microwave device models and microwave education leadership
Kamran Entesari for contributions to millimeter-wave high-efficiency front ends and high-linearity mixer-first receivers
Christian Fager for contributions to RF power amplifier efficiency enhancement and modeling of transmitter distortion
Kamran Ghorbani for contributions to microwave sensors and multifunctional microwave structures
Alexander Koelpin for contributions to microwave interferometry and six-port technology
Naoki Shinohara  for contributions to wireless power transfer technologies and applications
Aarno Parssinen for contributions to high-power and smooth-profiled filters
Nils Pohl for contributions to wideband and ultra-precise millimeter-wave radar sensors
Costas Sarris for contributions to microwave and electromagnetic field computations
Kaushik Sengupta for contributions to millimeter-Wave and terahertz technology in silicon-based integrated circuits
Adrian Tang for contributions to Millimeter-Wave Systems-on-Chip Instruments for space science
Cristiano Tomassoni for contributions to miniaturized microwave filters and additive manufactured filters
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Krzysztof Kulpa for contributions to passive radar
Nelson Fonseca for contributions to microwave beamforming techniques and technologies in terrestrial and space wireless communication systems
Maokun Li for contributions to nonlinear inversion algorithms for subsurface imaging
Simone Paulotto for contributions to 5G mm-wave and leaky-wave antennas
Satish Sharma for contributions to antennas design for satellite and radar applications
Hiroshi Harada for technical leadership and contributions in wireless smart utility networks and software-defined cognitive radio
Christian Schuster for contributions to physics-based modeling, design, and optimization of interconnects in servers and networking equipment
Malin Harindhu Premaratne for contributions to theory, modelling, and simulations of optical quantum devices
Brian Ginsburg for contributions to CMOS mm-wave radars
Chih-Ming Hung for contributions to CMOS digitally-assisted RF designs
Patrick Mercier for contributions to low-power and energy-efficient circuits and systems
Mauricio Pereira Da Cunha for contributions to the commercialization of harsh-environment microwave acoustics materials, sensors and systems
Pavel Nikitin for contributions to the analysis and design of RFID tags and systems


Evaluated by MTT-S
Joseph Bardin for contributions to cryogenic microwave circuits
Alexander Chenakin for contributions to microwave frequency synthesizer technologies
Paolo Colantonio for contributions to microwave power amplifiers
Frank Ellinger for contributions to radio frequency integrated phase shifters and amplifiers
Deukhyoun Heo for contributions to CMOS power amplifiers in multi-layer packages and reconfigurable reactive components
Telesphor Kamgaing for contributions to microwave and millimeter-wave packaging and system integration technologies
Dietmar Kissinger for contributions to millimeter-wave integrated circuits
Miguel Laso for contributions to high-power and smooth-profiled filters
Changzhi Li for contributions to portable microwave radar sensor technologies
Kaixue Ma for contributions to low-loss substrate integrated suspended line technology and reconfigurable millimeter-wave front-end integrated circuits
Ho-Jin Song for contributions to wireless terahertz technology
Alberto Valdes-Garcia for contributions to millimeter-wave circuits and systems for communications
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Premjeet Chahal for contributions to additive manufacturing and materials characterization
Ji Chen for contributions to implantable medical device safety in MRI
Yu Jian Cheng for contributions to substrate integrated millimeter-wave array antenna technology
Gregory Durgin for contributions to the theory of fading in multi-antenna RFID systems
Josep Miquel Jornet for contributions in terahertz communication and nano networking
Atif Shamim for contributions in the field of antenna-on-chip and antenna-in-package
Osama Shana’a for leadership in developing low-cost high-performance RF transceivers
Mohammad Sharawi for contributions to multiband, reconfigurable, and integrated active multiple-input and multiple-output antenna systems
Kim Fung Tsang for contributions to systems safety engineering


Evaluated by MTT-S
Jaleel Akhtar for contributions in microwave planar sensors and nano- composites-based microwave absorbers
Walid Ali-Ahmad for leadership in development of low-cost direct-conversion cellular RF systems
Roberto Gomez-Garcia for contributions to planar multi-function microwave filters
Shilong Pan for contributions to high-performance microwave-photonic imaging radar
Smail Tedjini for contributions to the development of harmonic backscattering RFID systems and chipless tag solutions
Miguel Urteaga for contributions to terahertz heterojunction bipolar transistor integrated circuit technology
Hua Wang for contributions to high-efficiency microwave and millimeter-wave power amplifiers
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Francesco Andriulli for contributions to computational electromagnetics
Mauro Ettorre for contributions to large antenna arrays based on quasi-optical beam formers
Wonbin Hong for contributions to millimeter-wave mobile and base station antennas
Ahmad Hoorfar for contributions to sensing and imaging in stratified media and optimization in electromagnetics
Christina Lim for contributions in hybrid fiber-wireless communications technology
Kenichi Okada for contributions to millimeter-wave communication circuits design
Boon Ooi for contributions to broadband light emitters and visible light communications
Oscar Quevedo-Teruel for contributions to glide symmetry based metasurfaces and lens antennas
Jack Schuss for leadership in the development of antennas for satellite communications and radars


Evaluated by MTT-S
Dominique Baillargeat for contributions to developments of nanomaterials for RF packaging and sensors
James Buckwalter for contributions to high-efficiency millimeter-wave power amplifiers and optical transceivers in SOI technologies
Wenquan Che for contributions to planar transmission line structures for microwave passive components
Alessandra Costanzo for contributions to nonlinear electromagnetic co-design of RF and microwave circuits
Apostolos Georgiadis for contributions to designs of RF energy harvesting circuits
Jeffrey Hesler for contributions to development of terahertz components and instrumentation
Slawomir Koziel for contributions to modeling and optimization of microwave devices and circuits
Moriyasu Miyazaki for leadership in developments of airborne active-phased-array radars and satellite communication microwave subsystems
Anh-vu Pham for contribution to organic packaging technologies
Christopher Rodenbeck for contributions to radar microsystems for ultrawideband and millimeter-wave applications
Daniel Van Der Weide for contributions to ultrafast terahertz electronics and biomedical applications of microwave technologies
Christian Waldschmidt for contributions to millimeter wave automotive radar sensors
Anding Zhu for contributions to behavioral modeling and digital predistortion of RF power amplifiers
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Hongsheng Chen for contributions to electromagnetic metamaterial and invisibility cloak
Tommaso Isernia for contributions on antennas synthesis and inverse scattering problems
Mikko Valkama for contributions to physical layer signal processing in radio systems
Xiuyin Zhang for contributions to the design of filtering antennas
Jiang Zhu for contributions to antenna design for wireless communications


Evaluated by MTT-S
Peter Burke for contributions to active and passive microwave devices
Rudy Emrick for contributions to the development of millimeter-wave communication systems
Nicholas Kolias for contributions to the development of Gallium Nitride monolithic microwave integrated circuit technology
Luciano Tarricone for contributions to microwave interactions with living systems and biomedical applications
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Yi Huang for contributions to rectenna technology
Bhyrav Mutnury for contributions to signal integrity in complex data center systems
Jianqing Wang for contributions to electro-magnetic compatibility of biological and wearable/implant devices


Evaluated by MTT-S
William Chappell for leadership in the development of reconfigurable radio frequency and microwave systems
Jung-chih Chiao for contributions to wireless and battery-less medical implants
Thomas Crowe for leadership in the development of terahertz devices and instrumentation
Edward  Godshalk for development of microwave on-wafer probing and measurement techniques
Akira Inoue for development of inverse class-F power amplifiers for mobile phones
Chul Soon Park for development of low power millimeter-wave circuits and packages
Ullrich Pfeiffer for development of silicon-based millimeter-wave and terahertz circuits and systems
Jae-sung Rieh for contributions to silicon-germanium integrated circuits for wireless communications
Manfred Schindler for development in microwave switch technology for radar and wireless communication systems
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Jaume Anguera Pros for contributions to small multiband antennas for wireless telecommunication devices
Filippo Capolino for contributions to development of electromagnetic phenomena in metamaterials and periodic structures
Xudong Chen for contributions to optimization methods for electromagnetic inverse scattering
Nuria Llombart Juan for contributions to millimeter and submillimeter wave quasi- optical antennas
Shiwei Yang for development of time-modulated antenna arrays
Kartikeyan Machavaram for contributions to high-power millimeter wave and terahertz sources
Gong-ru Lin for contributions to ultrafast fiber lasers and highspeed laser diodes for optical communications
Dennis Prather for contributions to diffractive optical systems


Evaluated by MTT-S
Pierre Blondy for contributions to radio frequency micro electromechanical systems
Richard Campbell for contributions to millimeter and terahertz wafer-probe technology
Nitin Jain for leadership in the development of physics-based models for mm-wave System-on-Chip Ics
Mona Jarrahi for contributions to terahertz technology and microwave photonics
Miroslav Micovic for contributions to gallium nitride electronics
Yuanxun Wang for contributions to time-varying and nonlinear electromagnetic devices and systems
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Qing-xin Chu for contributions to compact wideband antennas
Dejan Filipovic for contributions to frequency-independent and wideband antennas
Christophe Fumeaux for contributions to resonant dielectric-loaded antennas
Fan Yang for contributions to surface electromagnetics for antennas
Romit Roy Choudhury for contributions to wireless network protocols and indoor localization
Hiroshi Ito for contributions to high-speed photodiodes for millimeter and terahertz wave generation
Lijun Jiang for contributions to broadband computational electromagnetic methods
Friedhelm Caspers for contributions to charged particle accelerators
Chee Wei Wong for contributions to silicon nanophotonics
Hossein Hashemi for development of radio-frequency and optical phased-array integrated circuits


Evaluated by MTT-S
Bertan Bakkaloglu for contributions to radio frequency circuits
Scott Barker for contributions to millimeter-wave and terahertz micromachining
Vicente Boria for contributions to high-power microwave filters and multiplexers
Maurizio Bozzi for contributions to substrate integrated waveguides and integrated periodic structures
Yi-jan Emery Chen for contributions to monolithic RF CMOS power amplifiers and transceiver frontends
Zhenqiang Ma for contributions to flexible and biodegradable microwave electronics
Earl McCune for leadership in polar modulation  circuits and signals
Luca Roselli for contributions to sustainable radio-frequency modules for wireless sensor networks
Robert Weikle for contributions to millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave electronics and instrumentation for terahertz frequencies
Thomas Weller for contributions to modeling and design of passive microwave circuits and components
Thomas Zwick for contributions to millimeter wave transceivers
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Yongxin Guo for contributions to wideband printed antennas
Konstantina Nikita for contributions to bioelectromagnetics and implantable antennas for medical applications
C. J. Reddy for leadership in simulation methods for antenna placement and co-site analysis
Ronan Sauleau for contributions to lens and millimeter wave antennas
Daniel Weile for contributions to computational electromagnetics
Hao Xin for contributions to electromagnetic metamaterials and 3D printing of metamaterial structures
Thomas Kazior for leadership in microwave and millimeter wave compound semiconductor technology and heterogeneous integration with silicon
Paul Meaney for contributions to microwave tomography and its translation to clinical use
Charles Bunting for educational contributions to electromagnetic compatibility and reverberation chambers
Stefano Grivet-talocia for contributions to passive macromodeling for signal and power integrity


Evaluated by MTT-S
William Deal for contributions to solid state submillimeter wave and Terahertz amplifiers
Tian-Wei Huang for contributions to design and development of millimeter-wave CMOS RFICs
Kenji Itoh for contributions to microwave harmonic mixers and applications to mobile terminal devices
Agnieszka Konczykowska for contributions to development of very high-speed circuits
Donald Lie for contributions to high linearity and high efficiency silicon RF power amplifiers for broadband wireless applications
Dimitrios Peroulis for contributions to MEMS-based tunable filters
Vesna Radisic for contributions to millimeter- and submillimeter-wave sources, amplifiers, and monolithic integrated circuits
S. Voinigescu for contributions to silicon and silicon-germanium microwave and millimeter-wave devices and integrated circuits
Evaluated by other IEEE Societies/Councils
Filiberto Bilotti for contributions to metamaterials for electromagnetic and antenna applications
Kenichi Kagoshima for contributions to antennas for satellite communication and mobile wireless access systems
Cyril Luxey for the development of small antennas, multi-antenna system integration, and high performance mm-wave systems
Charles Rhoads for leadership in low cost and high performance array antenna technologies
Z. Shen for contributions to 3D frequency selective structures and slot antennas
Dan Oates for contributions to high-temperature superconductors and applications to RF receiver technology
Steven Koester for contributions to group-IV electronic and photonic devices
Tomas Palacios for contributions to gallium nitride electron devices and two dimensional materials
Akimasa Hirata for contributions to safety assessment and standardization of human exposure to electromagnetic fields
Payam Heydari for contributions to silicon-based millimeter-wave integrated circuits and systems