Ultrawideband, Photothermally Excited mmWave Vanadium Dioxide Switches

Ultrawideband, Photothermally Excited mmWave Vanadium Dioxide Switches


This article explores the application of phase-change material, photothermally excited vanadium dioxide (VaO2) switches for millimeter-wave applications. The VaO2 switch demonstrated in this article was fabricated on a sapphire substrate. Insertion loss < 0.43 dB return loss > 17.7 dB and off-state isolation > 17.2 dB was measured from 10 MHz to 65 GHz with 12.2 µs on-time and 1 µs off time. The VaO2 switch outperforms PIN diode or CMOS switches with wider bandwidth and lower loss performance, and compares favorably to MEMs switches that are more complicated to manufacture and integrate.

DOI: 10.1109/LMWT.2024.3422848   IEEEXplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10592005