Performance of Photoconductive Receivers at 1030 nm Excited by High Average Power THz Pulses

Performance of Photoconductive Receivers at 1030 nm Excited by High Average Power THz Pulses


This paper investigates ErAs:InGaAs photoconductive receivers optimized for 1030 nm suitable for Ytterbium-based laser sources with an emphasis on the dynamic range and saturation performance of the devices. A high average power terahertz source capable of 20 mW was used to determine a dynamic range greater than 115dB with no observed saturation at the highest laser output power in a 120 second measurement time for the device under test. The paper suggests potential techniques for achieving greater dynamic range up to 150 dB in shorter measurement times such as beam stabilization to reduce the noise floor, and techniques to expand the bandwidth of the receiver which include shorter laser pulse durations.