Tuesday, September 20, 2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(New York Time) Add to my calendar
Dual-Band and Broadband RF Power Amplifiers for Concurrent Signal Transmission
Dr. Philip Zurek
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA
Abstract: Broadband power amplifiers (PAs) are becoming increasingly important for communications and radar; however, the performance of a broadband PA is degraded when it amplifies concurrent signals. In this work, two different PA design approaches are studied with concurrent signals: (1) a single-ended dual-band design; and (2) a broadband diplexed PA architecture. Implementations in both cover 2-18 GHz in aggregate as hybrid and MMIC demonstrations with GaAs and GaN technologies. Results indicate that both PAs can achieve similar power and efficiency as compared to standard broadband PAs, whereas linearity can be improved and/or simplified using these approaches.
Speaker’s Bio: Philip Zurek received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA, in 2016, the M.S. degree, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, in 2018 and 2021, respectively. He is currently a member of the technical staff at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, with research interests including high-efficiency and broadband power amplifier design and architectures.
This is a hybrid event (open to the public), organized by IEEE MTT-S Boston Chapter.
Please note Dr. Zurek will be giving his presentation live in-person at the Analog Devices Hubble Auditorium, 1 Analog Wy, Wilmington, MA. Social hour and refreshments start at 5:30 PM, followed by the talk at 6:00 PM.