MTT-S Multilingual Graduate Video Competition

MTT-S Multilingual Graduate Video Competition

What is MVC?

The multilingual graduate video competition is created by Education Committee of IEEE MTT-S in 2022, which has similar format with 3MT (English) in IMS. The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

Goals for MVC:

  • Encourage students to showcase their research in their native languages;
  • Strengthen the impacts from MTT-S in different regions;
  • Improve the visibility of the student competition events;
  • Attract more students into microwave engineering in different regions

PLANs for 2025

Two competitions in three languages (Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese)

Budget for each competition: up to $6,000

Proposal Template

 Guidelines for the organizer of MVC

Organization of multilingual graduate video competition is open to all MTT-S members and events, potential organizers could be

  • MTT-S chapters and sections (virtually/in-person)
  • MTT-S sponsored conferences (virtually/in-person)

Potential organizers are eligible to apply for funding support from the Education Committee

Potential organizers should follow the MVC application procedure to submit a proposal (Template) with

  • Description of the MVC (including language used, potential attendees, dates, location/virtual platform, competition procedure)
  • Budget of the MVC (up to $6,000 for each competition)

The MVC sub-committee will evaluate the proposal and make a final decision

The MVC sub-committee will oversee the operation of approved multilingual graduate video competition

The organizer collates the Newsletter (attached with winner list) and recorded videos, and submit those files to the MVC sub-committee.

MVC Operational Guidelines

  • Open to young and aspiring professionals, including students and postdoctoral fellows. (All awardees must be IEEE MTT-S Student Members)
  • Requires that participants are actively working toward or received their first professional degree within 15 years prior to the competition.
  • Limits any accepted contestant to present on video only once, with no substitutions.
  • Prequalification for the candidates through the one-minute teaser videos or submitted papers.
  • Final presentations/videos are time limited (3 mins) and competitors exceeding this limit are disqualified.
  • Rapidly flashing images, as well as promotion or participation in unsafe practices are not allowed.
  • The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.

Contact Information:

For questions about the Multilingual Graduate Video Competition please contact the MTT-S MVC sub-committee (R9: Eduardo Rojas,;R10: Guangxu Shen


Videos from Previous MVC Competitions

the previous MVC videos can be found at MTT-S YouTube channel: IWS2024, IWS2023,LAMC2023,

MTT-S Wechat Platform: IWS2023: First Place; Second Place; Third Place.


Videos from Previous IMS 3MT® Competitions

On the MTT-S YouTube channel you can find videos:

IMS2024 3MT

IMS2023 3MT

IMS2022 3MT