DMI Workshops 2022

The 3rd IEEE MTT-S DMI Workshop

Date: 14 Oct 2022 12:00pm (12:00 – 14:00 EDT)

Regions: 1-7 & 9

Venue: WebEx and South America & North America.

DMI Speakers: Prof. Rhonda Franklin, Prof. Jenshan Lin and Prof. Anding Zhu

DMI Organizing Committee:

Xun Gong, Yang Yang, Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Miguel A. G. Laso, and Wenquan Che

Organising Ambassadors:

Country University Professor Name
Brazil IFBA – Federal Institute of Bahia Kenedy Marconi
Brazil UFCG Glauco Fontgalland
Brazil UFPE – Federal University of Pernambuco Marcos Tavares de Melo
Brazil IFRS Claudio Fernandez Rodriguez
Ecuador ESPE – Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas Raul Haro-Baez
Mexico CICESE Carmen Maya-Sánchez
Mexico ITESO – The Jesuit University of Guadalajara Jose E. Rayas-Sanchez
Mexico INAOE Roberto S. Murphy
Peru UNSA Eliot Rosado-Velasquez
USA South Carolina University Guoan Wang
USA University of Florida YONG-KYU YOON
USA Florida State University Bayaner Arigong
USA University of Alabama Nathan Jeong
USA North Carolina State University David Ricketts
USA University of Virginia Scott Barker
USA University of Massachusetts Lowell Hualiang Zhang
USA University of California, Davis Qun Gu
USA University of Tennessee Aly Fathy
USA Texas Tech University Changzhi Li
USA University of California – Santa Barbara James Buckwalter
USA University of Houston David Jackson
USA Rutgers University Chung-Tse Michael Wu
USA Villanova University Robert H. Caverly
USA University of Hawai’i Wayne A. Shiroma
Canada University of Waterloo Raafat Mansour


The scope of the talks:

The DMIs introduced the history of microwave and radio frequency technologies, the evolution of modern microwave systems, and the cutting-edge wireless applications yet to be used in our daily lives in the foreseeable future. The DMIs presented the long journey of wireless technologies from traditional applications 30 years ago (radio, TV and analog mobile phone) to today’s portable devices and wearable/implantable wireless sensors, all relying on microwave technologies. The DMIs discussed three topics in this workshop: The Long Way of Radio Frequency Technology – from TV & Radio to Wearable Sensors, Wireless Energy – A NetZero Alternative for Radio Communications and Reducing Carbon Footprint of 5G Using Microwave Technologies.


  1. 11:30 am – 11:45 am – Arrive at the workshop online
  2. 11:45 am – 12 pm – Check connections (if the faculty member wants to join the workshop from the class, they might want to contact Xun and Yang in advance to ensure a smooth connection in advance)
  3. 12 pm – 12:05 pm: Opening and Introduction by host Prof. Xun Gong
  4. 12:05 pm – 12:25 pm: Presentation by Prof. Rhonda Franklin, Topic:  Interconnect Technology – Wired & Wireless: The Nervous System of High-Speed Applications
  5. 12:25 pm – 12:30 pm: Handover and presenter introduction by host Prof. Xun Gong
  6. 12:30 pm – 12:55 pm: Presentation by Prof. Jenshan Lin, Topic:  Wireless Charging – the Power of Invisible Waves
  7. 12:55 pm – 1:00 pm: Handover and presenter introduction by host Prof. Xun Gong
  8. 1:00 pm – 1:20 pm: Presentation by Prof. Anding Zhu, Topic:  Reducing Carbon Footprint of 5G Using RF/Microwave Technology
  9. 1:20 pm – 2 pm: Questions from the students and Answers by the DMIs

 Workshop mode: on-campus and online (hybrid)

 Online attendees:

  • Online attendees: 178 times (from universities worldwide, most in Regions 1-7 & 9)
  • On-campus attendees: 100 approximately
  • Number of registrations: 307
  • Total attendees (on campus + online): approximately 278 students

 Attending universities:

  • University of Alabama: in-class 50 students (approx.)
  • University of Central Florida: in-class 11 students (approx.)
  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Princeton University
  • Florida State University
  • Embry riddle AU
  • University College Dublin
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Waterloo
  • DOE Carleton University
  • University of Minnesota
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Polytechnique Montreal
  • Carleton University
  • McGill University
  • École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
  • Rutgers University
  • Federal University of Pernambuco
  • Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Royal Military College of Canada
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of South Carolina
  • McMaster University
  • University of Toronto
  • Public Univ of Navarre
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • IFBA – Vitória da Conquista – Bahia – Brasil
  • Universidade Federal rural do semiarido
  • University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Concordia University
  • Khon Kaen University
  • Cornell University
  • Morgan State University

Messages from University of Alabama, Ambassador Prof. Nathan Jeong

Alabama, Prof. Jeong asked the undergraduate students in ECE340 Electromagnetics to attend the DMI workshop on Friday and submit a brief report. Some of them were in the presentations in real time and the others participated in the video recording. There were 49 UG student plus 1 GR student in total.

The students commented that they found great interest in all three presentations related to wireless and RF engineering, particularly a lot of exciting opportunities and significance of what they can make contribution to the world

The group photo in the classroom is shown below.


Photo of the in-person attendance at University of Central Florida:

Active engagement from Region 9: A total of nine ambassadors are confirmed and contributed to the DMI workshop promotion

Questions discussion among the students and DMIs (Selected from the chat history, many were asked and answered by direct conversation):

Q1 – Samad Atta    All Participants      do you think it will ever be possible for large structures like homes to be wirelessly powered?

Q2 – Discussions on “The students at UCF who do well in microwave courses are very popular on the job market. It is true at other universties.”

Q3 – do you think classical topologies based on copper and FR4 materials will eventually be replaced by optical interconnects or by nano-wires or graphene materials?

Q4 – What is the recommended certificates for fresh telecommunications engineering graduates?

Q5 – one main challenge is to provide power to a system without impacting or interfering with the performance of nearby systems as well as that system’s internal components. Is the advancement of wireless charging limited by interference with existing technologies.

Q6 – Can the digital predistortion work with envelop tracking PA supply which needs the precise envelop information ?

The 2nd IEEE MTT-S DMI Workshop

Date: 06 May 2022 12:00pm (Central Europe Time, Madrid/Paris/Rome)

Region: 8

Venue: WebEx and countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

DMI Speakers: Prof. Maurizio Bozzi, Prof. Nuno Carvalho, and Prof. Anding Zhu

The scope of the talks:

The DMIs introduced the history of microwave and radio frequency technologies, the evolution of modern microwave systems, and the cutting-edge wireless applications yet to be used in our daily lives in the foreseeable future. The DMIs presented the long journey of wireless technologies from traditional applications 30 years ago (radio, TV and analog mobile phone) to today’s portable devices and wearable/implantable wireless sensors, all relying on microwave technologies. The DMIs discussed three topics in this workshop: The Long Way of Radio Frequency Technology – from TV & Radio to Wearable Sensors, Wireless Energy – A NetZero Alternative for Radio Communications, and Reducing Carbon Footprint of 5G Using Microwave Technologies.

 Attending universities (on campus):

Milan, IT: 25 students (approx.) Kiel, DE: 10 students (approx.) See pic.
Perugia, IT: 15 students (approx.) Birmingham: 5 students (approx.)
Bordeaux, FR: 20 students (approx.) See pic.  
Grenoble, FR: 20 students (approx.) See pic.  
Pretoria, SA: 15 students (approx.) See pic.  


Messages from each venue (By country).

South Africa, Tinus Stander said: In Pretoria, we held a viewing “party” of sorts (I combined the workshop with my final year electronics lecture, during which I incidentally also discussed power amplifiers) where 17 students attended. The talks were well received. Pic from Pretoria below:

Austria, Reinhard Teschl said:

At the Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering, TU Graz:

  • Information distributed to the staff members
  • We addressed the DMI Program – and the webinar in particular – in several course lectures, and we sent an email with the DMI leaflet to students
  • Printout of some copies of the flyer for poster advertising at bulletin boards of the Institute
  • Information on the DMI program – including the flyer – was uploaded to the homepage of our institute

At the Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, TU Graz:

  • Poster advertising at the bulletin board of the Faculty
  • We forwarded the information via email lists to selected faculty members for distribution among their social media
  • We forwarded the information to professors of a TU Graz research center in the same fields as the topics addressed by the DMI workshop

Other universities in Austria:

  • We forwarded the information (leaflet and registration link) via email lists to professors at Austrian universities relevant to the topics addressed by the DMI program, asking them to share the information on the webinar especially with their undergraduate students
  • We sent out reminders some days before the online event

Spain, Roberto Gómez said:

Technical Univ. of Cartagena: Flyer uploaded to institutional social media and webpage

Technical Univ. of Valencia: Flyer uploaded to institutional social media (mainly Instagram)

Iran, Vahid Nayyeri said: As a steering member of the Electromagnetics and Photonic Group (Chapter) of the IEEE-Iran Section the initiative was discussed in one of our meetings.

Italy, Pino Macchiarella and Cristiano Tomassoni said: We have spread the information of the workshop among Universities and Research Institutions through the support of the Italian Electromagnetism Society (SIEM) and the AP/MTT Italy Chapter. Moreover, we informed directly many of our colleagues who hold courses in the area of Microwave and Wireless Communications. Small class groups were organized in Milan and Perugia to attend the event. No pics available.

France, Anthony Ghiotto said: We sent information about this program to all MTT members in France. The message was sent by GDRonde, an important reseach group in France with the largest network of contacts. The MTT France chapter helped with funding for lunch for students attending in classrooms. Pics from Bordeaux (first) and Grenoble (second) below.

Germany, Michael Höft said: A small class group was organized in Kiel, offering free food and beverages. See a pic from Kiel below. Info about the program was spread among the German speaking RF-professors (HF-Professoren) and within the MTT/AP Joint Chapter in the IEEE Germany Section.

UK, Yi Wang said: A small class group was organized at Birmingham Univ., where posters were also used to let the students know about the event. No pics available.

Poland, Adam Lamecki said: The DMI workshop was announced via the IEEE Polish Section of AP03/AES10/MTT17 and the information was sent via IEEE eNotice to all members with request to advertise the event. We distributed posters about the event and advertised it on social media, like our Department’s Facebook channel, and private LinkedIn accounts. Also, all the students of Electronics (second year) were directly invited by email.

Portugal, Nuno Borges Carvalho said: Promotion was made among the IEEE student branches.

Online attendees:

  • Online attendees: 245 times (from universities worldwide, most in Region 8, some from Region 10)
  • Number of registrations: 825
  • Total attendees (on campus + online): approximately 360 students


DMI Organising Committee:

Wenquan Che, Xun Gong, Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Miguel A. G. Laso and Yang Yang

Organising Ambassadors:


Name Country University
Reinhard Teschl Austria TU Graz
Ali Darwish Egypt American Univ in Cairo
Stephane Bila France Limoges/Xlim
Nicolas Delhote France Limoges/Xlim
Aurelian Crunteanu France Limoges/Xlim
Anthony Ghiotto France Bordeaux
Michael Höft Germany Kiel University
Nils Pohl Germany University of Bochum
Ilona Rolfes Germany TUM – Munich
Vahid Nayyeri Iran Iran Univ. Science and Technology
Dimitra Psychogiou Ireland Tyndal National Institute
Pino Macchiarella Italy Politecnico di Milano
Cristiano Tomassoni Italy Univ. Perugia
Mohamed Essaaidi Morocco Mohammed V University
Michal Mrozowski Poland Gdansk University
Adam Lamecki Poland Gdansk University
Nuno Carvalho Portugal University of Aveiro
Zlatica Marinkovic Serbia + Montenegro + Bosnia & Herzegovina + North Macedonia + Bulgaria University of Niš
Tinus Stander South Africa University of Pretoria
Miguel Laso Spain UPNA
Roberto Gómez García Spain Univ. Alcalá
Christian Fager Sweden Chalmers
Yi Wang UK Univ. of Birmingam
Nikolaos Uzunoglu Greece National Technical University of Athens
Tibor Berceli Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Siddik Yarman Turkey Istanbul Technical University
Nazih Khaddaj Mallat United Arab Emirates Al Ain University

 The moment:

  • The opening by Prof. Xun Gong:
  • The Talk by Prof. Maurizio Bozzi:
  • The Talk by Prof. Nuno Carvalho:
  • The Talk by Prof. Anding Zhu:
  • Interactions between DMIs and students during Q&A session:
  • The hybrid workshop from different campuses
  • Appendix – Questions discussion among the students and DMIs:
  1. from Gabriele De Lorenzis to everyone: 8:31 PM

A question related to materials. Will the semiconductor and rare materials crisis lead to “creative” new production technologies ? Has it had a bad impact on research in the last couple of years?

  1. from Elwalid Mohamed Elamin to everyone: 8:37 PM

Thank you Prof. Bozzi for the information. I have one question, what are the challenges in the semiconductor and microelectronics point of view for the research in the 6G THz communications?

  1. from Tramontana to everyone: 8:46 PM

I have a question for professor Bozzi on wearable devices. Nowadays we have for example watches that can measure the pulse rate and other parameters. Are modern devices accurate enough to be used to monitor people which for example have heart diseases?

  1. from Abdulrahman Widaa to everyone: 8:49 PM

A question to Prof. Bozzi: would you commet on the prospects and challanges of SAW/BAW sensors?

  1. from Mohamed Mabrouk to everyone: 9:02 PM

A kind request to dear Professors Bozzi, Carvalho and Zhu : Would you mind allowing me to download the slides of your three presentations ; Unfortunately I missed the whole presentation of  Mr Bozzi and most of Mr Carvalho’s presentation and I just joined you because I was with students !

  1. from Wenquan Che to everyone: 9:03 PM

One question is for Prof. Carvalho, for the body embedded mediccal devices, how to select the mostly appropriate frequency band for wireless power transmission, and how about the power transmission efficiency?  what is the biggest challenge of the wireless power charging for the body embedded medical devices or sensors etc?

  1. from Edoardo Carlini to everyone: 9:04 PM

about 5g, does it really make sense to make really any kind of device smart and connected? aren’t they just useless?

  1. from Syed Nazim Shah to everyone: 9:06 PM

Two questions for Professor Bozzi!

How to increase the gain of implantable medical devices? When the size is reduced the gain decreases.

Another question is about wireless power transfer, how to improve it?

  1. from Syed Nazim Shah to everyone: 9:08 PM

It’s difficult to get the circular polarization in implantable antenna. What are different techniques other than etching slots in the antenna, to get circular polarization at lower frequencies?

  1. from mahshid to everyone: 9:21 PM

thank you to all, and a question for Prof. Zhu , Iran is nationalizing the Internet, which means it is going to cut off the access of domestic users to the world. How long do you think developing such a technology will take from theory to implementation? I know it happened before in china

  1. from lsanogo to everyone: 9:24 PM

A question for Prof. Carvalho: As the RF signal brings not only information but also energy, how about its impact on human body and health, while embedded wearable devices and wireless communications continue to grow?

  1. from Elwalid Mohamed Elamin to everyone: 9:25 PM

Could you please inform me on how to join a career in the cellular mobile networks field with no previous experience and what are the different roles availabe there? More specifically for an international student in Europe, thank you.

  1. from Syed Nazim Shah to everyone: 9:27 PM

Prof. Bozzi!

How to implement slotted substrate integrated waveguide array for obtaining the cosec square pattern using Elliott’ Method for beamsteering?

  1. from Lirido to everyone: 9:28 PM

Greetings, I have a career development question. after finishing a BSC in ECE which Master degree is the best to further my knowledge in the microelectronics

  1. from Laboratory IMEP-LaHC – Grenoble, France to everyone: 9:31 PM

thank you for your presentation. I have a general question, if we use beamforming for all devices, will the RF harvesting still be an efficient approach?

  1. from Syed Nazim Shah to everyone: 9:33 PM

Two questions for Professor Bozzi!

How to increase the gain of implantable medical devices? When the size is reduced the gain decreases.

  1. from Syed Nazim Shah to everyone: 9:33 PM

It’s difficult to get the circular polarization in implantable antenna. What are different techniques other than etching slots in the antenna, to get circular polarization at lower frequencies?

  1. from Laboratory IMEP-LaHC – Grenoble, France to everyone: 9:35 PM

For Pr Carvalho: is the Backscattered RF system (with battery free remote control / passive) needing more power at the emitter/receiver station, compared to “standard” battery remote control ?

  1. from Pouya Mehrjouseresht to everyone: 9:36 PM

Hello, Thank you so much. I have a question from Prof. Nuno. Do you think which aspects of transmitters in a WPT system can play more important role to realize a sutainable and high performance system (based on backscattering, SWIPT)? Thank you so much.

  1. from Laboratory IMEP-LaHC – Grenoble, France to everyone: 9:36 PM

What about radars (for automotive) ? Any improvement/new ideas ?

  1. from Vesel Cemil ÇOLAK to everyone: 9:40 PM

I have a question to Carvalho & Zhu. Where the optical communications stand in terms of power efficiency, better or worse  in comparison to RF systems?

  1. from Laboratory IMEP-LaHC – Grenoble, France to everyone: 9:45 PM

When it comes to focused beams, would you think they could be used for powering implants, and if so how can we deal with undesirable stimulations? (biological thermal, SAR)

  1. from Laboratory IMEP-LaHC – Grenoble, France to everyone: 9:49 PM

Do you think we should restrict the 5G usage to only specifics domains that needs high speed data rate and not for “basic” communications ?

  1. from Jalil A. Rashed Mohassel to everyone: 9:52 PM

In  5G , we will have a EM polluted environment. Which body will monitor or control the level of pollution globally?

  1. from Wenquan Che to everyone: 10:00 PM

5G does not mean only the high speed, but also the wide coverage similarly needed in 4G.