Chapter Operation


To be considered an active MTT-S Chapter and therefore qualify for funding from the MTT Society the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

  • Maintain a minimum of 10 members (5 for Student Branch Chapters).
  • Report chapter officer changes annually via vTools Officer Reporting.
  • Report a minimum of two (2) technical meetings annually using vTools Events.

Chapter Officers – IEEE and MTT-S need to be able to communicate with the current chapter officers, which includes correct names and email addresses. This information needs to be completed annually and whenever changes occur throughout the year. Access vTools Officer Reporting or visit the project tutorials page.

Chapter Activities – IEEE vTools Events is an event management tool that enables Chapters to schedule, promote and report (L31) IEEE meetings and events. All vTools Events are displayed in IEEE Collabratecâ„¢. Access vTools Events or visit the project tutorials page.


To facilitate the above, IEEE and MTT-S provide you with a number of services:

Regional Coordinators – MTT has established a volunteer Chapter Coordinator for your Region. It is important to maintain contact with these volunteers. They can offer best practices and valuable advice on topics such as Leading a Chapter and Planning Meetings. You can find your Regional Chapter Coordinator in the AdCom Directory under MGA Committee.

Distinguished Microwave Lecturers – An extremely valuable source of outstanding speakers available to your chapter are the Distinguished Microwave Lecturers. This program is an excellent way to obtain good speakers for your chapter meetings and events.

Speakers Bureau – Another valuable source of speakers is the Speakers Bureau. The program provides a pool of expert speakers selected by the MTT-S Technical Committees from various technical fields who can deliver talks, subject to technical focus, location, and availability.

Event Posting – The MTT-S Events Calendar and Social Platform (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) provide opportunities for promoting events around the world. Events posted on the calendar and social platform can be webinars, distinguished microwave lectures, committee meetings, workshops, and social events. Submit your event here.

Newsletter – You can publicize your chapter activities in the MTT-S e-Newsletter which is distributed free of charge monthly to every member of MTT-S. Photographs are desirable for publicizing your activities. A snapshot of your planning committee and one or two photos of the event with a short accompanying explanation of the pictures makes a great article.

Membership Data – The OU Analytics, online IEEE Member database, is available to all Chapter Chairs. Instructions, access and training material for using OU Analytics are available online at the OU Analytics home page.

IEEE Web Hosting – This service is intended for IEEE Organizational Units that want to develop, create and maintain their own websites on an IEEE host. Register here.