Reporting Meetings

To be considered an active MTT-S Chapter and therefore qualify for funding from the MTT-S a minimum of two meetings must be held over a one-year period. To get credit for holding a meeting with the MTT-S it is necessary that you report your Chapter’s activities to IEEE. Without your reports, we cannot provide the full spectrum of support we offer to your chapter.


Refer to the IEEE Meeting Reporting page for appropriate procedures to report your chapter’s events and meetings. Once you have logged in to the IEEE web site with your membership account, you can use vTools to report your meetings. Many Student Branch Chapters do not have access to vTools so MTT requests that these chapters produce a separate report listing meetings, topics, speakers and dates of their meetings during the prior year.


A Section Technical Conference occupies the major portion of a full day or longer and contains a program of five or more technical papers, panel discussions or similar technical presentations (in addition to any planned social activities). The technical program runs for a minimum of five hours, including discussions.

A Section Technical Conference is sponsored exclusively by one Section (and possibly its own Subsections, Chapters, Affinity Groups or Branches). Sections in Regions 8, 9 and 10 may co-sponsor a meeting of this type with national engineering societies in their respective Regions.

Attendance should be drawn from the territory of the Section and its environs. When circumstances warrant, this requirement may be waived by the Executive Committee in connection with the approval required for conferences drawing from beyond a Section territory.

It is no longer necessary to submit a Section Technical Conference report form (L35) to report on these conferences. Submit a separate report with vTools for each day of the conference.


Chapters must submit their reports and funding requests using the online forms accessible in Section VI. of this handbook.