The IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL) publishes four-page papers (3 pages of text + up to 1 page of references) that focus on microwave theory, techniques and applications as they relate to components, devices, circuits, biological effects, and systems involving the generation, modulation, demodulation, control, transmission, and detection of microwave signals. The mean time from submission to first decision is less than 30 days. Usually papers will be published online within 10 weeks, provided the author responds swiftly to all communications.
All manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form as .pdf files through ScholarOne. The files must not be larger than 1MB and no *.zip files are accepted. All papers must use the templates provided with the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox (Template for all Transactions, two-column template, no biographies or photos; can also be requested from the editorial office). Figures, graphs and all other necessary information for reviewing the manuscript must be included in this file (as opposed to being attached to it as separate files) and placed at appropriate locations within the text rather than at the end:
- Figures including any inscription text should be large enough to be easily readable on a computer screen and on paper when printed out.
- The print version of the paper will be in black and white, but color figures may be used in the electronic version of the paper.
- Axes should be labeled with large lettering.
- Whenever possible, theory and corresponding experimental results should be printed on the same graph for easy comparison.
- Follow the Guidelines for Author-Supplied Electronic Text and Graphics available for download from the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox.
- The maximum paper length is 3 pages, including paper title and author affiliation. For the references an extra page can be used (since June 2019). The font size is specified in the templates. TeX and LaTeX users must use scalable fonts rather than bitmapped fonts to allow easy reading of .pdf files on the computer screen.
Note: Manuscripts that are related to material submitted to or published at conferences or in other journals are considered only if the content is significantly updated or contains material of substantially complementary nature. Authors must reference all of their previous papers that are similar. Please attach .pdf files of both previous papers and documents clearly stating (on a separate page) the difference with respect to the current submission as “Supplementary File” in ScholarOne. Failure to disclose prior papers by the authors that are similar will result in rejection of the paper.
Note: IEEE policy does not allow simultaneous submission of similar material to MWCL and another journal or conference. If there are any issues with the policy, please inform the editor.
Note: if you submit a paper based on content which has been previously submitted you must provide the manuscript number of the original submission in the cover letter and also include answers to the reviewers and a tracked-changes copy of your revision with your submission. Since MWCL is dedicated to fast publication of short scientific articles, the review process is rigorous. If you believe despite the reject decision that you can sufficiently improve your paper regarding all reviewer comments, you are welcome to re-submit.
- All papers with theoretical contributions must show an independent verification. If possible, fabrication of the component or circuit is required and measurement-based validation must be provided.
- MWCL will not publish papers that describe a single passive antenna or a passive array of antennas. Electronic systems or circuits that include an antenna may be submitted.
- All papers describing a hybrid or monolithic RFIC should – when appropriate – include a table that compares the circuit performance to the performance of circuits in the literature.
- Authors should cite the most recent papers when comparing performance or characteristics of the circuit or technique to prior papers.
- Comprehensive referencing of others work as background, state-of-the-art or even as an alternative solution is an important part of nowadays current publication culture. MWCL recently introduced a new 4-page policy to allow up to a full page of references. Please consider this new policy and extend your reference list where appropriate.
- A photograph of any component or circuit presented must be included.
- A photograph of the measurement setup must be included in case of papers on measurement techniques.
- Equations and formulas should be sequentially numbered. All symbols and acronyms must be defined including the ones appearing in figures and tables.
The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual ( Each published article is reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism. The average time from submission to first decision in 2019 was 35 days.
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will be requested to provide an electronic copy of the final version of the manuscript. IEEE Publishing accepts the PDF format and the following backup formats: LaTex, TEX, and Word. Some additional guidelines must, however, be followed for the submission of the final manuscript in electronic form:
- The header information should accompany the transmitted files, clearly identifying the name of the Journal, author’s name and title of the manuscript.
- Include all macros (/def) that are required to produce your manuscript (TEX and LATEX).
- IEEE Transaction/Journal style dictates a 21-pica (3.5 inch) column width. If mathematical expressions are produced with this in mind, they are more aesthetically pleasing in the final version.
Figures and tables must be submitted as separate files in .ps, .eps or .tiff format.
At the time of submitting the final draft and documents, authors upload the completed voluntary page charge form with their final files. The page charge form is also available from the editorial office.
The IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS (MWCL) is a hybrid journal, so before publication you can select the open access option if you choose. IEEE’s Open Access charges for hybrid journals are available here:
Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access APCs.
Thomas Zwick, PhD
Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Karlsruhe, Germany
Kara McArthur
JWM Consulting, LLC
Albuquerque, NM USA