06:50 BST


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The IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award recognizes the chapter’s contribution based on the quantity and quality of the activities and programs implemented by the chapter during the period of a calendar year (January 1st – December 31st). It is awarded annually and given to a maximum of 5% of the MTT society chapters worldwide. All the chapters can apply including MTT-S chapters, joint chapters, and student branch chapters (SBC), but a chapter that has previously received the Outstanding Chapter Award is eligible for re-application only after three years from the year of the award.

After rigorous selection, this year’s award is given to the following 5 chapters:

  • IEEE North Jersey AP/MTT Joint Chapter
  • IEEE Bangalore MTT/AP Joint Chapter
  • IEEE Malaysia AP/MTT/EMC Joint Chapter
  • IEEE IEM MTT Student Branch Chapter, Kolkata Section
  • IEEE Ottawa AP/MTT Joint Chapter

Congratulations to all the winning chapters!